Igboanusi Ogechi | Feb 10, 2022
I was bumped into by a lady on my way to the office. The coffee she held in her hands spilled on me. I frowned but it disappeared when I Saw Her Twitch Her Lips And Blinked Her Eyes Repeatedly, She Must Be Thinking Of The Best Way To Apologize Right Now. I Folded My...
Igboanusi Ogechi | Jan 14, 2022
My name is Melvin, 18 years old, dark-skinned, and intelligent. I had high hopes when I left the shores of Agulu for Lagos in search of greener pastures. Life has not been easy, it was head in a desert and feet in thorns before I could make it through high school. If...
Igboanusi Ogechi
Pamela's P. O. V I woke up with a start, felt something cold on me, damn... Clara is at it again. I don't feel like going to school today. I am kind of nervous about this whole thing. I wrapped myself under the duvet and closed my eyes. "Wake up a lazy bone" I rolled...
Igboanusi Ogechi
Pamela's P. O. V I woke up with a start, felt something cold on me, damn... Clara is at it again. I don't feel like going to school today. I am kind of nervous about this whole thing. I wrapped myself under the duvet and closed my eyes. "Wake up a lazy bone" I rolled...
Igboanusi Ogechi
Pamela's P. O. V I woke up with a start, felt something cold on me, damn... Clara is at it again. I don't feel like going to school today. I am kind of nervous about this whole thing. I wrapped myself under the duvet and closed my eyes. "Wake up a lazy bone" I rolled...
Igboanusi Ogechi
My name is Melvin, 18 years old, dark-skinned, and intelligent. I had high hopes when I left the shores of Agulu for Lagos in search of greener pastures. Life has not been easy, it was head in a desert and feet in thorns before I could make it through high school. If...
Igboanusi Ogechi
I and mama sat outside her hut. The night was cold and bites from the mosquitos would have made us go inside on a normal day, but when a man's roof is on fire he cares less about the things happening around him "Call him again, Ada" It was dark, but I know mama is...
Grace stared outside the window but couldn't see a thing, because of the opaque glass. A tired yawn left her mouth as she forced herself off the bed to go open the window. The moon was still enjoying the blinks' from the stars, hence her refusal to go in. The hand of...